My name is George Jue and I am married and have four sons. I came to know Christ through attending a young adult fellowship at Bay Area Chinese Bible Church (BACBC) in San Leandro, CA. A friend invited me to the BACBC fellowship after I graduated from UC Berkeley. I eventually came to the decision to accept Jesus Christ and was baptized at BACBC when I was in my late twenties. My spiritual journey lead me later on to attend Sunset Church in San Francisco in mid 90's and that is where I met my wife. I later moved to South San Francisco and have been attending and serving at Millbrae Bible Church for the past seventeen years. In 2014, I became actively involved with sports ministry at Millbrae Bible Church and headed up the basketball ministry. I later joined CROWN as a board member in 2019 to help keep the former CCU Basketball ministry going.
My grandmother was saved when she immigrated here to America and as long as I can remember she was a devout Christian. As long as I can remember she would read her bible daily and pray each morning. Growing up she made sure I was well connected with the church and even after she passed away people from the church continued to pick me up every week. Even though my parents are not Christians, I continued going to church and in middle school I decided to commit myself to Christ. Although some people close to me thought I was wasting my time and “stupid”, I could not deny Christ in my life. As a child who followed the rules and tried to do everything that was expected of me, it was difficult to explain to loved ones the conviction in my heart. Although I have failed many times, it continued to drive me to show people Christ was real by the way I lived my life and the way I carried myself. God continued to put the right people in my life to guide me to where I am today.
From the commitment of a random family who was committed and shared the gospel with my grandma, to all the people who committed to my spiritual well being all throughout my childhood, there have been numerous people who went out of their way to make sure the Gospel was shared. Part of my commitment to CROWN is that same passion. Although there may not be immediate results, I want to use my service, directly or indirectly, to share the gospel by allowing the Spirit to work through other individuals and/or churches.
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