I have not had a "mountaintop experience " or "dramatic spiritual encounter" with God. However, I can say with certainty that my life is because of, and for, God. I am an analytical person and a "facts" kind of guy, I rely heavily on the evidence pointing to God's existence, and look at the clear life and character changes that have occurred out of no other explanation except for God's power, grace, and glory.
I grew up in a church-going Christian family, and I learned all the Bible stories, key verses, rituals, and values. I thought I was a Christian. But in my youth, I had a really bad attitude and always wanted to get my way. I can tell you stories about how I manipulated people and circumstances to get my way. I had a pretty good scheme going with lots of advantages and benefits. But it was all for the wrong purposes and accomplished in the wrong ways.
It wasn't until a friend in high school, who saw the real Peter, confronted me and said "Peter, you are going to end up with no friends if you continue to act this way." I will forever be thankful that she was loving, bold, and transparent enough to truth-speak with compassion and accountability. I asked my siblings (strong believers themselves) what this meant in terms of my identity as a Christian. At its essence, they said, "genuinely ask and accept Jesus into your life, and God will honor your request." There was no explanation for my dramatic shift in character, especially given that old habits die hard, except that I asked God to change my heart, and He provided the miracle of transformation and redemption.
I still struggle with a big ego, selfishness, envy, and insecurity. But now with God more at the center of my life, His foundation continues to encourage and strengthen me beyond my comprehension. Several times throughout my life, I can distinctly point to instances where there was no reason, explanation, or solution except that God provided it. My current jobs and opportunities are because of God. My friendships are because of God. My hurts and failures are because of God. My purpose is for God.
Do I have all the answers? Am I fully-transformed? Am I without suffering and challenge? Absolutely NOT! But, I am a thankful child and follower of Christ: one who will try to put forth Jesus' example and God first in all that I do. This is the life worth living and a journey towards eternity that is invaluable. Give God a chance in your life, and you will be astonished.
I truly believe God has a plan for each and everyone of us. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Church has been a part of my life since I immigrated to San Francisco from Hong Kong at the age of 10. My grandma made sure that Sunday church was a part of the routine for me and my siblings. I could have easily veered off from the routine and who knows what would have happened. I might have been a juvenile delinquent hanging out at playgrounds and on the streets causing havoc.
The activities at Chinese United Methodist Church kept me busy, however. Boy scouts taught me life skills. Chinese Christian Union (CCU) Basketball gave me an unique opportunity to compete and summer day camp provided me with friendship and a taste of teaching and leadership.
Regardless of how influential church was in my upbringing. God was never in the center of my life. God was just an idea I heard about every Sunday. I plopped myself in the pews each Sunday and daydreamed during the sermons. I sat quietly half-listening while at Sunday School. This routine went on for years to no avail to find God.
It wasn’t until my junior year at college that I truly found God. I was asked to drive day camp leaders to the end-of-year camping trip. It was during the final evening’s camp that I genuinely heard God and how much He loves me.
Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before in prayer before his Father was an ordeal that we can scarcely understand. (Hebrews 5:7-8). From that, Jesus had been up sleepless the rest of the night enduring ridicule. He was spit upon. He was blindfolded, taunted, and slapped by members of the Sanhedrin. Then, “the guards took him and beat him.” (Mark 14:65)
In the morning of the trial, The soldiers “twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.” (Mark 15:17) They did not gently put the crown on his head, but thrusted it deeply into his head and brow. Then Pilate ordered Jesus flogged. It was described to me that bits of lead and stone were tied to the end of the whip, slashing and ripping flesh and bones. He then was forced to carry his own cross, battered and beaten, walking naked, falling, stumbling, and skinning his elbows and knees. Continuing on, he was nailed through his hands and feet onto the cross. Imagine a thorn stuck in your hand and how painful that can be. Now imagine nails hammered through your hands and feet.
For six agonizing hours, Jesus endured the pain and suffering for me! Why, I asked myself? A lowly Chinese immigrant from Hong Kong. A shy Chinatown kid. An insignificant person, one in 7.7 billion. At that moment, I finally realized He loves me so much. He bore all of my sins on that cross so that I can live an eternal life. All I had to do was to accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I finally believe it. Do you?
Growing up in a Christian environment meant going to church on Fridays and Sundays, having mostly church friends, and playing in Christian sports leagues. It wasn't until my later years of high school that I began to understand that being a Christian was not as much the actions of the person but more about why a person behaved a particular way.
Continuing to understand that God loves me changes my thinking to want to choose what he desires for me. I am not motivated to participate in Christian activities because that's what others expect of me but I am motivated by what God wants from me. There is no pressure to live to the expectations of people but I am free to live for God who loves me and fully accepts me as his own child.
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